Better Than Sex 

Relationship Workshop

With Nick & Courtney Tillia 

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The Better Than Sex Relationship Workshop

*Now, An On Demand, Digital Course*
What you don’t know about yourself, your partner, and about relationships IS why you’re relationship isn’t as amazing as it could be. 
Don’t allow not knowing what’s actually available right here to be the reason that you don’t have an extraordinary relationship!


Are you ready???

Are you ready to experience a truly extraordinary relationship full of passion, connection, trust, fulfillment, fun, and love???
Do you want to understand what will make your relationship extraordinary???
Do you want simple, actionable tools to apply that make your relationship better than you previously imagined was possible?
Do you want to essentially full-proof your relationship against the issues that dissolve so many relationships?
Or, if you’re single and desiring an extraordinary relationship, are you ready to intentionally attract exactly what you’ve dreamt of???

The Tillias

Nick and Courtney have worked directly with so many couples and individuals over the years in creating a foundation for amazing relationships full of love, passion, intimacy, trust, and lots of SEX!!!
And now, their BEST teachings are available to you in this On Demand, Digital Course. 
This course consists of the full replay of the Better Than Sex Relationship Workshop that was recorded LIVE in August of 2018.
This is for couples who want to:
End the confusion about relationships and your  partner. 
Deeply understand yourself and your partner.
Attract the right partner if you’re single and looking.
Heal your current relationship and have a better relationship than ever. 
Create an unfuckwithable foundation for your relationship that will carry you for years to come. 

What’s Included?

Part 1: Understanding Energy and Polarity
Part 2: Masculine & Feminine Energy 
Part 3: Communication, Needs, and Love Languages
Part 4: Selection Patterns
Part 5: If You’re Single…
Part 6: Questions & Answers with Nick & Courtney

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What People Have Said:

“Traumas resolved. Deeper connection.Greater passion. More love making. Duh. Better communication. Needs and wants met. Also, I get to teach this to my clients and they are shifting as well.”
“This all gives me so much clarity about past relationships and what’s happening in this one. It’s amazing how simple it all is. I feel so free and empowered knowing this now.”
"Things are fucking amazing since we went through this workshop together. Thank you Nick and Courtney!”
“The first video also helped me become more self-aware of the dynamics in my own marriage.”
“The idea that I don't have to hide any parts of me BLOWS MY MIND and this is gonna be the avenue that brings this up!”
“Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. My mind is BLOWN.”
“I'm seriously soooo pumped to be able to show up so much more powerfully in my next relationship because of all of things I'm learning here.”
“I love this idea of daily choosing, it’s super intentional and intentionality is something I deeply desire in a relationship!”
“This all should be taught to us when we’re young. Before we make all of the mistakes and cause ourselves so much pain. This should be required curriculum.”
“The importance of making an agreement to listen to one another, and being willing to show up and meet one another’s needs. Holy shit. Thank you for this.”
“I really like this. The difference between obligation and choice seems so subtle, but I can see how important this would be!”

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I have to be in a relationship or have a partner? 
Nope! If you are in a relationship and you would like your partner to go through the program with you, that would be amazing. If you’re not in a relationship, but desire one and want to know how to attract your soul mate, this is for you! 
  1. I’m worried that this won’t work. Nothing really has in the past. 
We get it. Many couples (and individuals) have been in this place too before doing this work. If you’re open to a solution even though one has felt elusive in the past… this might be right for you. 
  1. My partner isn’t really open to this. Will this still be beneficial for me? 
Of course. You taking the initial step to grow will be huge for you and potentially your relationship. It’s great when there’s willingness from both partners, but one person shifting how they show up can change a lot!
  1. I have no desire to have any type of intimate relationships and have no desire to change! 
Great, I don’t think this is the right program for you at this time! But... if that just might be a story that you’re telling yourself and others because you’re over dating or the frustration of relationships, are you willing to see what could be possible?
  1. Is this course only for straight/cis couples and relationships?
Definitely not. In all relationships, there tends to be one partner with a more masculine core and one with a more feminine core. Understanding the of masculine and feminine energy  in any relationship is important to polarity, connection, attraction, and intimacy. In addition, the facets of selection, needs, communication, etc are extremely valuable regardless of what “type” of relationship you’re in.  

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